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Offering Pilates Group and Individual classes focusing on gaining flexibility through movement.


Welcome to Pilates Collective

My focus is on the teaching and practice of Pilates using the Reformer machines.

Regular reformer Pilates exercises will lead to greater strength, flexibility and co-ordination between mind and body which in turn improve balance and increase range of movement.

If you are in need of a specialist rehabilitation program, I'm working with a team of Pilates instructors and exercise specialists together to formulate the most effective treatment protocols to get you back doing what you love as quickly as possible.

How we can help

Pilates Brighton

Strength & Healing

Even though the main focus is on your core strength, Pilates also plays a part in developing a full-body workout. It ensures that no specific muscle is overdeveloped and underdeveloped, giving you that perfect lean body you are looking for.

Pilates Brighton

Can Pilates help me?

A few of the many health benefits of our group classes

It's a good workout for your entire body

Even though the main focus is on your core strength, Pilates also plays a part in developing a full-body workout. Our classes ensure that no specific muscle is overdeveloped and underdeveloped.

Improves your posture

Poor posture forms as a result of bad habits such as slouching at your desk and chair, which can eventually cause back ache, neck ache, headache, etc. The bad habits will result in asymmetrical muscle development, where some muscle are weaker than others. Pilates can help to strengthen those underdeveloped muscles and get rid of bad posture.

Places no pressure on your knees and joints

Since Pilates consists of slow and controlled movement, there is minimal impact on your joints. This naturally ideal for those who cannot take part in high-impact sports and exercises.

Boost your mental health and encourages you to improve your focus and concentration

Our classes aim to create a body & mind relationship, where concentration, focus and meditation come together to help boost your mental health.

An important part of Pilates is that it pushes you to focus on your body, breathing and how they all work and move together. It is with focus and concentration that you are more likely to benefit from the exercise.

Stress Relieving 

Tension can get built up in the muscles. But through gentle stretching and conditioning, it can help to metabolize the stress hormones that are built up.

Naturally, less stress in your body also means less stress in your mind.

Gentle but challenging

Don’t be fooled that many exercises are in reclining or sitting positions. Nor the fact that it is a low-impact form of exercise that doesn’t put pressure on your joints. Our group classes are a perfectly gentle and safe exercise for everyone but still challenging enough, as there are categories ranging from beginner to advanced.

As the challenge and intensity increases, your body adapts to the exercises and your body conditioning improves.

Great exercise during and after pregnancy

One of the great benefits of Pilates is how it can help with spinal and pelvic alignment. This is particularly beneficial for pregnant women and women who have just given birth, as the physical changes that come with pregnancy can put a strain on your alignment.

During pregnancy, Pilates can help to maintain your level of fitness, strengthen your pelvic muscles and also promote efficient body mechanics. These are ideal as your body prepares for the strain of childbirth.

During childbirth, the strengthened pelvic floor will also make it easier for mothers-to-be to give birth.

And after the pregnancy, we can help you to recover to a pre-pregnancy body.

Gives you a lean, tall body…

Pilates does not give you bulky muscle. The elongation and stretching of your muscles are more likely to promote a lean, tall body.

We can give you a tailor made exercise program to help with any specific requirements or needs. Please contact us for a free consultation session

Contact Us

Our goal is to offer physical and mental conditioning programs that suit the health needs and fitness experiences of everyone. Contact us to find out more about our classes and how Pilates can benefit you :)

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